Space Shift

I started rearranging furniture at the age of 9 and never looked back. My summer camp bunk was consecutively praised. I studied environmental design for differently designed bodies and ages and consulted on numerous private projects to keep older adults safely at home.

I have an inclusive vision and make sure your space matches your vibe (not mine).

“You don’t realize how much you need another set of eyes until you meet Elise’s.”

Sabrina S, Downtown Toronto, New Home Owner, 2022

“Sprinkled fairy dust in my store and made it magical.”

Kealen Sullivan, Shop Owner, 69 Vintage, 2019

“We trusted Elise from the start and weren’t surprised by how cozy she recreated the space at the cottage”

Cottage Owners, Lake Simcoe, 2021

Space Shifting

When you shift a home space, you shift your brain patterns. The energy just feels lighter (until you need to shift again). Here to shift the energy.

Love your Energy Shifter